Gemini Season

I love sharing with my readers the different elements that make me who I am. One such detail is my star sign. I am not deeply invested in astrology, but I do see how being a Gemini impacts my identity. It’s either that or I really am bipolar, but I’ll leave that up to my therapist to diagnose. I don’t know anything beyond that; hell, I don’t even know what time I was born. I don’t know what a sun sign is. Or a moon sign. I know that I keep getting my life ruined by Libras, which is apparently a common occurrence? Either way, my birthday is coming up in the next few weeks, and tomorrow marks the beginning of Gemini season. So to help my fellow Geminis and I get in the celebratory mood, here are some of the hilarious (and potentially truthful and/or dramatic) ways that rappers have described Geminis. Either out of pride or out of a warning. You can be the judge of that.

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